Form & Function
In 2021, The California Legislature passed Senate Bill SB9, which makes it possible to put as many as four dwelling units on existing single family lots using lot splits and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The stated goal of the law was to encourage the construction of moderately priced housing and wealth building at the family level.
SB9, along with the terrible widlfires that have affected California for decades, led to the creation of Zen Harmony. Our mission is to design beautiful small homes that take full advantage of the new laws, and use building materials that don’t deplete our forests.
High quality design is not exclusive to high end homes. It’s dependent on high end finishes either. When homes are designed with good proportion and composition, less can become more. Our portfolio offers several design collections and sizes, all designed to the highest standards.

Resilience & Sustainability
RSG3D is an incredible Panel Building System that is both fire resistant and hurricane resistant, receiving a 2-Hour fire rating from the International Code Council (ICC). These remarkable qualities are coupled with their amazing sound damping quality. Additionally the RSG3D panels have verified energy savings over the lifespan of your home. The panels are truly ahead of their time.
Zen Harmony’s homes are designed exclusively with RSG3D. It is a privilege to offer our moderately priced homes using the very best building system on the market.

Quality & Affordability
The RSG3D panels used to build the house, including the walls, floors and roof, are all fabricated in a quality controlled manufacturing environment. They are then shipped to the job site, assembled and secured, then coated in both sides with 1 1/2″ of sprayed concrete. This “hybrid” prefab process the best of both worlds – the flexibility of easy customization and the efficiencies gained by stock design.
Many of the most expensive homes in the world are built to “max out” a site. This means creating a house that has tons of spaces that will never be used. Even the middle class tract homes built in the last century had formal living rooms and dining rooms that were rarely used. By simply eliminating these excess spaces and focusing on designing open living areas and compact sleeping areas, we have made quality homes that we can offer to you at a moderate price.
Most importantly, RSG3D panels make our homes as structurally sound, fire resistant and resilient as any home in any neighborhood, rich or poor. Additionally the RSG3D panels have verified energy savings over the lifespan of your home.

While our mission is focused on the challenges of homebuilding in California, our homes can be built anywhere. Please take a moment and look at our designs, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions you have.